
Sencha – Detox and Healthy Tea

Enjoy the most popular Japanese green tea in an incomparably delicious and luxurious Chinese version we have found for you

Sencha is the most popular Japanese green tea. Japan produces an average of about 95 million kg of tea per year and over 70% of them are green tea. At present, Sencha accounts for about 80% of tea production in Japan. Translated from Japanese, “sencha” means “steamed tea”. It is written with two kanji. The first, “sen”, translates as boil, brew, and the second, “cha”, is the Japanese word for tea.

In Japan, tea is traditionally steamed, unlike in China, where it is mostly dried quickly on a pan after harvest. Today, the process of processing tea leaves into an aromatic Sencha, is quite modern. The youngest leaves of the spring harvest are steamed for 15-45 seconds to prevent oxidation, then rolled through three drying processes and finally roasted to enhance their aroma.


What are the rules for a successful detox?

Detox is the body’s natural system to cleanse itself of toxins that accumulate in it as a result of poor diet. Today, however, many people resort to supplements or artificialy created teas because they believe they will provide them with quick and definite result. Contrary to this opinion, we believe that it is necessary to change your overall diet and lifestyle for a successful detox … and rely on a little help from a good friend, e.g. a really good tea.

Let’s see what are the rules for a successful detox

1. Drink more water

Drinking more water helps your body regulate its normal temperature. Water carries essential nutrients to the cells of your body and provides enough oxygen to your brain. It aids proper digestion and removes unwanted waste in the form of urine and sweat. If you can’t drink 7-8 glasses of water per day, replace some of them with tea.

2. Reduce caffeine intake

Anxiety, disturbed sleep and high blood pressure are often associated with excessive caffeine intake. It is important to put an end to this addiction and maintain balance so that your body works well as a whole without having to heavily rely on caffeine all the time.

3. Increase your fruits and vegetables intake at the expense of processed foods

Fruits and vegetables provide the body with essential nutrients. They help stabilize blood sugar levels and as a result the body doesn’t feel exhausted or unnecessarily hungry. You should keep in mind that not all processed foods are harmful to your health. Only those that contain artificial sugar and flavors, along with preservatives, are unhealthy. They are more caloric and contain large amounts of salt and sodium, which can harm your health.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is a very important for your overall health. Interestingly, it is also another way to detoxify your body. Various studies have shown that sleep helps remove waste products from the brain. In addition, it has also been found that during sleep, brain cells shrink by 60%, increasing the space between them and thus allowing harmful toxins to be excreted from the body.

5. Don’t forget to exercise

Include physical activity in your daily routine. It doesn’t matter if it is a brisk walk around the neighborhood or your daily workout in the gym. This will fill you with positive emotions and reduce the level of stress and anxiety. You will also sweat, which helps maintain body temperature. Your body will feel more active and energized.


Why is Sencha good for detox?

Green tea hydrates as successfully as water. This way it helps the body to excrete more fluids, and with them toxins. It boosts metabolism, which helps to lose weight. The antioxidants in green tea, called catechins, help burn fat. The best way to achieve this is during exercise. Numerous studies have shown a direct link between the consumption of green tea and the reduction of body fat.

As green tea, our “Chinese Sencha” contains between 20 and 40 mg of caffeine in 240 ml. cup. For comparison – in 240 ml. a cup of coffee caffeine is 95 to 140 mg. If you choose green tea, you will get the energizing alkaloid, but not in excessive doses.

Moreover, green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine. It has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. L-theanine increases the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which reduces our anxiety level. This amino acid also increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain – the same ones that are produced during meditation. This means end to your anxiety, which will automatically improve your sleep and protect you from reckless attacks on the refrigerator at any time. It will also prevent you from grabbing more than reasonable amount of sweets from the stores’ shelves.

Sencha is healthy

Japanese believe that Sencha is beneficial for body and spirit. Green tea has been used as a medicine in the past. It’s not just the Japanese though who adore their green tea. An old Chinese proverb states that drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary. Green tea contains much more vitamin C than any citrus fruit. It is also a powerful antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals in the body.

In addition, we must add that it is the method of processing the petals of Sencha tea – first steamed and then dried, that helps them preserve higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants compared to other green teas. Therefore, Sencha contains the highest levels of catechin EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), compared to other teas. These polyphenols have a strong antibacterial effect, stop the attack of viruses, strengthen the capillaries walls, and can even help the body get rid of toxic compounds.

Regular consumption of green tea reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach, liver, lungs; it protects against breast cancer and skin cancer. Green tea supports intestinal peristalsis and enhances metabolism. Therefore, many experts recommend it in diets for weight loss.

Green tea is an integral part of the Japanese menu. You can find it in every household as well as in every restaurant. Some attribute to green tea miraculous effects, such as the fact that the Japanese seem to always look younger than their actual age thanks to regular consumption of green tea.


Where doeas our “Chinese Sencha” come from?

We have chosen for you a delightful green tea “Chinese Sencha”. It is produced by the traditional Japanese method, but in China. China produces about 2,400 million kg of tea a year (2017). And green tea accounts for about 50% of the country’s total production. Thanks to its diversity of geographical relief and different climatic regions, China can offer a greater variety of teas and flavors.

In Japan, the relief is flatter and tea generally grows at lower altitudes. It is more exposed to direct sunlight, unlike tea in China. The production as a whole is much more mechanized and unified. This on the one hand leads to consistency of quality, but on the other, to less variety in tastes. In China, on the other hand, there are still many more smaller producers who do not process mechanically their teas. They experiment and often achieve surprising – and very tasty results.

How to brew “Chinese Sencha”?

“Chinese Sencha” is pure green tea. It comes with fresh grass aroma and taste that transports us to the beginning of spring. And we can offer it to you both loose, from our Home Tea collection, and in sachets, from our Premium collection.

Currently, until the end of June, you can buy “Chinese Sencha” – Premium collection with 15% OFF for a box of 20 pyramidal biodegradable sachets. This is also our choice for Tea of the Month.

For a perfect cup, we suggest you brew our “Chinese Sencha” – Premium collection, following those simple steps:

Heat water between 70 and 80 degrees. Be careful not to exceed 90 degrees, because if you brew green tea with a higher temperature, its taste will be more bitter. You will also get the same unwanted result, if you let it simmer for longer than the recommended time of 1 to 3 minutes. You can make two cups of 240 ml with one sachet. 

If, on the other hand, you prefer “Chinese Sencha” – Home Tea Collection, the water temperature and infusion time are the same.  For a standard 240 ml tea cup, we recommend 1 tsp. tea or about 5 g.

If you use our DelmarTe tea porcelain cup, you can put the tea in the strainer basket and brew it under the lid. Then just take out the strainer and enjoy your tasty beverage!

Keep in mind that you can brew green tea again. And in the second or third infusion you will be able to enjoy other nuances in its taste that were not revealed in the first infusion.

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